Chapter Awards

Chapter Student Awards

In addition to and in conjunction with grants and fellowships sponsored by the National Organization of Phi Kappa Phi, the East Carolina University Chapter offers several awards at the local level.

Logo that says Fellowship Winner and has a diploma hat

National Graduate Fellowship Award

Each chapter of Phi Kappa Phi may nominate one student for the national-level competition that annually awards 54 fellowships of $8,500 each, six at $20,000 each, and two at $35,000 each to members entering their first year of graduate or professional study. The ECU Chapter National Fellowship Award Committee, currently chaired by Dr. Tarek Abdel-Salam, Professor of Engineering, selects the chapter’s sole nominee for the national competition. Regardless of how the nominee fares in the national competition, there are considerable rewards for being the campus nominee, including a free active-for-life membership in Phi Kappa Phi, an engraved plaque, and a cash award of $1,500 provided by the ECU chapter.

Outstanding First-Year Student and Senior Awards

Another ECU Chapter committee, also currently chaired by Dr. Tarek Abdel-Salam, selects the recipient of both the Outstanding Freshman and Outstanding Senior Awards. The outstanding first-year student receives an engraved plaque and a cash award of $500, while the outstanding senior receives a plaque and a cash award of $1,000.

Study Abroad Grants

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Seventy-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year. Applicants do not have to be Society members but must attend an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter. The Study Abroad Grant program is suspended at this time. Watch this space and the National Phi Kappa Phi website for updates.